First we must remember what we have lost. Indeed, "all mankind weeps and sighs over the first Adam, over the now elusive phantom of happiness.” But we don’t realize that it is paradise itself from which we have been expelled and that this is why we live as exiles. "The whole world, harassed and weary, weeps because of its waywardness, because of its naked soul; … [Read more...] about The Threshold to Lent: Remembering our Explusion from Paradise
Major Feasts [Select Sermons]
A Light So Shining Before Men: A Discourse on the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov speaks on the spiritual meaning of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, on our ascent following after Christ, about the event of the feast and about why namely Moses and Elijah appeared to the Savior, and about how to prepare ourselves for the feast and how to pass the day. Source: Orthodox Christianity By Archpriest Artemy … [Read more...] about A Light So Shining Before Men: A Discourse on the Great Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord
Frederica: Annual Dormition Fast Prayer Vigil to End Abortion
Occasions of joy sometimes elicit occasions of sorrow. This is so because the world is fallen, shorn from the full beauty and majesty of God. The world however, is not without hope because of the promise of the restoration of all things through the work of the Son of God, Jesus Christ the Righteous. The fallen world can be made new. The promise of restoration was given … [Read more...] about Frederica: Annual Dormition Fast Prayer Vigil to End Abortion
It’s Pascha, Not Easter!
The right word can make the meaning of something clear, and the wrong word can obscure or even hide its real meaning. The right word for the celebration of the resurrection of Christ is the Greek word "Pascha" which means "Passover" in English. It opens up the rich and necessary association of Christ as the "Pashal Lamb" with the paschal lamb of Exodus and the flight of the … [Read more...] about It’s Pascha, Not Easter!
The Symbolism of Palm Sunday
Although it was an historical event that took place at a particular time and place, Our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem has other dimensions as well. For example, it fulfills in a remarkable way the clear and precise prophecy of the Prophet Zacharias. But beyond this, it also has a mystical, symbolical meaning addressing the salvation of each of us. St Nikolai … [Read more...] about The Symbolism of Palm Sunday