For the Virgin was not like the earth, which contributed to the creation of man but did not bring it about, for it merely offered itself as matter to the Creator and was only acted upon and did not do anything. But those things which drew the Artificer Himself to earth and which moved His creative hand did she provide from within herself, being the author thereof. What were … [Read more...] about Homily on the Annunciation
St. Mary of Egypt: Hagiography, Hymn, and Reflection
The Fifth Sunday of Lent normally commemorates St Mary of Egypt, once a harlot in sixth century Alexandria, but by the grace of God, one of our most endearing and enduring saints. This year, however, this date of her commemoration coincides with the date of the Annunciation of the Theotokos, and the brilliance of the light shining from this latter event will eclipse … [Read more...] about St. Mary of Egypt: Hagiography, Hymn, and Reflection
The Embryo in Orthodox Christian Theology and Tradition
As we approach the Feast of the Annunciation, we may recall the words of the Troparion for the feast: “Today is the beginning of our salvation, the revelation of the eternal mystery! The Son of God becomes the Son of the Virgin.” That is, Christ becomes incarnate as fully man at the time of His conception, and so too did each one of us become fully man at the time of our own … [Read more...] about The Embryo in Orthodox Christian Theology and Tradition
A Sermon of Metropolitan Philaret on the Sunday of St John of the Ladder
Remember, Christian soul, that the ascent to heaven is indispensable for anyone who wishes to save his soul unto eternity. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: "Strive to enter in through the narrow gate." That is, the Christian ought to be an ascetic. Not only the monastic, but every Christian. But if while ascending this ladder of spiritual perfection by struggles and ascetic … [Read more...] about A Sermon of Metropolitan Philaret on the Sunday of St John of the Ladder
Selections from The Ladder of Divine Ascent
The Ladder of Divine Ascent is a foundational work of Orthodox asceticism and it is one of the few universal classics of world spirituality. It is the inspiration from a renowned icon, pictured along with this article, and it lent its name to its author, St John of Sinai, more commonly known as St John Climacus or St John of the Ladder. Although it was written originally for … [Read more...] about Selections from The Ladder of Divine Ascent