“And it came to pass, that, when Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:39-41)”
Occasions of joy sometimes elicit occasions of sorrow. This is so because the world is fallen, shorn from the full beauty and majesty of God. The world however, is not without hope because of the promise of the restoration of all things through the work of the Son of God, Jesus Christ the Righteous. The fallen world can be made new.
The promise of restoration was given early, immediately after the primordial sin of Adam in the Garden. The completion occurs on the Cross, when the Son of God enters into Hades and destroys death and the power of the devil by rising from the dead. This singular act, this expression of God’s great love for mankind, is the beginning of our restoration.
In this Dormition season where we commemorate the falling asleep of the Theotokos we need to remember the unborn who had no chance of life. We need to pray for them, and we need to pray that the confusion that grips our society and refuses to see the unborn child is indeed loved by God and that He too sorrows over the aborting of their lives, abates and may even dissolve away. Let clarity come so that love can be expressed, let love be expressed so that clarity might come.
Below noted Orthodox writer Frederica Mathewes-Green offers prayers for the unborn for each of the fourteen days of the Dormition fasting period. Pray them. They are short and easy to do. Our intercessions to the Theotokos (Virgin Mary), the Theotokos’ intercessions to her Son, and the Son’s intercessions to the Father unifies the world in prayer for the life of the world and its salvation.

The Unborn Person
Source: Frederica.com. Originally published January 25, 2017.
By Frederica Mathewes-Green
In the Roe v Wade decision, Justice Harry Blackmun wrote that, if the fetus is a person, the right to abortion collapses. (Roe v. Wade 410 U.S. 113 [1973] Section IX.)
How can we tell whether it is a person or not?
Here’s what science shows. From the beginning, the unborn is:
- Alive. It is living and growing, always increasing in size and complexity.
- Human. Its body is composed entirely of human cells.
- Individual. It has unique DNA. If a cell from the mother, the father, and the unborn child were examined side by side, it would reveal that they came from three different people.
The case against abortion rests on scientific facts: the unborn is a unique, living human individual.
The case for abortion rests on personal opinion: adults who think the unborn is not a person, for whatever private reason, are legally allowed to kill them.
Justice Blackmun said that the right to abortion collapses if the fetus is a person. Yet, all these years after Roe, pro-choice people are still unable to prove that it is not. The abortion debate would end if they could prove it’s not a person, but they’re unable to do that.
Instead, they change the subject. When I used to do debates, long ago, I noticed that if I attacked abortion, my opponent would not defend abortion. Instead, she would attack me.
But even if pro-lifers were terrible people, it would not make the unborn child a non-person.
Even if a child is abused, it does not make her a non-person.
Even if a child is sick or disabled, it does not make her a non-person.
Even if a child is rejected and unwanted, it does not make her a non-person.
Even if a child is helpless and dependent on its mother, it does not make her a non-person.
The child in the womb is the same person she was as a single cell, a cell already marked with her unique DNA. She is the same person she will be as a newborn, a toddler, a teenager, a grandmother. A person’s life is a seamless continuum.
Pro-choice people are unable to disprove that. All they can do is change the subject.

Annual Dormition Fast Prayer Vigil to End Abortion
Source: Frederica.com. Originally published August 2016.
Download and print these prayers for private use here.
O most merciful, all gracious and compassionate Lord Jesus Christ our Savior, Son of God: we entreat Thee, most gracious Master: look with compassion upon Thy children who have been condemned to death by the unjust judgment of men. And as Thou hast promised to bestow the heavenly kingdom on those born of water and the Spirit, and those who, in blamelessness of life, have been translated unto Thee; and Who said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven”—we humbly pray, according to Thy unfailing promise: Grant the inheritance of Thy kingdom to the multitude of spotless infants who have been cruelly murdered in the abortuaries of this land; for Thou art the resurrection and the life and the repose of all Thy servants and of these innocents, O Christ our God.
We beseech Thee, turn the hearts of those who seek to destroy Thy little ones. Pour forth Thy healing grace upon them, that they may be convicted in their hearts and turn from their evil ways. Remember all of them that kill our children as on the altars of Moloch, and render not unto them according to their deeds, but according to Thy great mercy, and convert them: the unbelieving to true faith and piety, and the believing that they may turn from evil and do good.
O Holy Master, Almighty Father and pre-eternal God, Who alone made and directs all things; Who rises up quickly against the evil of the impious ones; Who, by providence, teaches Thy people preservation of justice and the obliteration of evil on earth; Who condescends to raise up warriors for the protection of the people of God: we entreat Thee with compunction, that as Thou didst give David power to defeat Goliath, and as Thou didst condescend through Judas Maccabeus, to seize victory from the arrogant pagans who would not call on Thy Name; so too, grant protection to us, Thy servants against the enemies rising against us as we go forth to do spiritual battle against the evil one and those who do his will rather than Thine.
For Thou art a merciful God, and lovest mankind, and unto Thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who at the sixth hour didst shed Thy precious blood upon the cross for the salvation of all mankind, receive the souls of all the innocent unborn children who have been, are being, or will be slaughtered today in the hospitals and abortion chambers throughout our nation and across the world.
As their untimely deaths have prevented them from receiving the grace of Holy Baptism, we entreat Thee to accept their innocent blood as baptism as Thou didst with the early martyrs.
To the doctors and nurses, parents and hosts of accomplices responsible for this infanticide, grant tears of repentance and amendment of life. Enable them to run to Thee for forgiveness and healing as have we and to avoid the eternal death of their own souls.
All things are possible with Thee, Lord God Almighty and therefore we entreat Thee on this day through Thy divine grace to bring an end to legalized abortion in our nation, to raise up judges and attorneys who will defend Thy holy laws.
We ask that by Thy mercy Thou wouldst convince mothers to cancel their abortions, to accept from Thy hands the gift of children in faith.
We ask that Thou wouldst persuade the doctors and nurses who are participating in these acts to repent of their actions and to resolve not to kill children in the womb.
Receive our prayer, O Lord God, even though it is offered to Thee from sinful and unworthy servants and unite my entreaty with those of all our other brothers and sisters crying out today on behalf of the little ones, those who are being formed in the wombs of their mothers.
We offer to Thee most sincere thanks and true gratefulness that our mothers bore us, as troubled as we have been. We are grateful to be alive, merciful God, and to know Thee and to be given the kingdom and the promise of everlasting life.
Deliver us, and our land which we love, from the shedding of innocent blood. Forgive us and heal us, save us, and receive our worship which we offer to Thee, to Thine Everlasting Father and Thy all Holy Good and Life Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O Lord who watches over children in the present life and in the world to come because of their simplicity and innocence of mind, abundantly satisfying them with a place in Abraham’s bosom, bringing them to live in radiantly shining places where the spirits of the righteous dwell: receive in peace the souls of all infants whose lives have been taken while still within the womb by the cruel act of abortion, for You Yourself have said, “Let the little children come to Me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, Who art in the bosom of the Father, True God, source of life and immortality, Light of Light, who came into the world to enlighten it, Thou wast pleased to be conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary for the salvation of our souls, by the power of Thine All-Holy Spirit. O Master, Who came that we might have life more abundantly, we ask that Thou might enlighten the minds and hearts of those blinded to the truth that life begins at conception, and that the unborn in the womb are already adorned with Thine image and likeness; enable us to guard, cherish and protect the lives of all those who are unable to care for themselves. For Thou art the Bestower of Life, bringing each person from non-being into being, sealing each person with divine and infinite love. Be merciful, O Lord, to those who, through ignorance or willfulness, affront Thy divine goodness and providence through the evil act of abortion. May they, and all of us, come to the light of Thy Truth and glorify Thee, the Giver of Life, together with Thy Father and Thine All-Holy and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Again we beg Thee, O Lord, to hear our prayer, and have mercy on Thy servants who strive to save the lives of Thine innocent children. In Thy grace and bounty, fulfill their petitions and forgive all their transgressions, whether voluntary or involuntary. Accept their sacrifice of praise upon Thy heavenly altar; protect them from every visible and invisible enemy; deliver them from all misery, sickness, and affliction; grant them health and length of days, we pray Thee, O Lord, hearken and have mercy.
Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.
DAY SIX (Feast of the Transfiguration)
O Lord, Who was transfigured on Mount Tabor, have mercy on us and receive our supplications. Save and protect the souls of the innocent children who are at risk of being aborted today. And as You illumined the night-time with the radiance of your Divine glory, illumine also the darkened hearts of the purveyors of the evil practice of abortion. As You opened the eyes of the apostles and enabled them to behold the truth of Your Divinity, allow abortion practitioners to see the error of their ways, and guide them to Your truth. Grant that we all might recognize our depth of sin and repent, and save us in Your mercy, for You alone love mankind. Amen.
O Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Only-begotten Son of the Father; Who took on our human nature to restore its sanctity; do Thou, the same Lord, enlighten Thy people here present and throughout the world, with the knowledge that all life is a sacred gift from Thee, from the instant of conception to the last natural breath. Dispel from our minds the subjective concept of quality of life, and implant the objective truth of its preciousness.
When we consider abortion, remind us that Thou wast conceived and grew in Thy mother’s womb. When we consider euthanasia or assisted suicide, call to mind the leper, the paralytic, and Thy friend Lazarus, and how Thy great mercy and might were revealed through their suffering. When we consider the elderly, call to mind Simeon and Anna the Prophetess who proclaimed Thee to the world before the Forerunner; and Thy grandparents Joachim and Anna, who bore and reared Thy most pure mother, and instill in us the example of Ruth in her care of and humble service to her widowed mother-in-law Naomi. When we consider criminals condemned to execution, call to mind not only the Wise Thief, but also that Thou wast executed though Thou wast wholly innocent. When confronted with the possibility of suicide, remind us of Judas, who, by his hopeless and desperate act, forfeited the forgiveness given a repentant Peter, even after he had denied Thee to Thine accusers three times.
As at the tower of Babel and in the wilderness of Sinai, have we Thy people lost sight of Thy Truth, but restore us in Thy mercy, O Lord. Make us instruments of Thy Will, that by Thy loving example, we may lead our misguided brethren to Thee, unworthy as we are.
Dispel also from us self-righteousness and narrow-mindedness like that of the Pharisees who challenged Thy good works; as well as over-zealousness and the urge to commit rash acts like Peter, who in attempting to preserve Thy life, endangered that of the chief priest’s servant. For Thou hast saved us, not by summoning twelve legions of angels, but, after healing the ear of the chief priest’s servant, teaching and adjuring the people in love even from the Cross. Grant this, we entreat Thee, O Thou Who lovest mankind, for Thou alone art the Creator and Master of all, and to Thee do we ascribe glory, together with Thine unoriginate Father and Thine All-holy, good and life-creating Spirit, both now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
Again we pray for mercy, life, peace, health, salvation, and visitation for the servants of God who strive to restore the knowledge that all Life is a sacred gift from Thee; and also for those who suffer from terminal illnesses and debilitating diseases, the elderly, the institutionalized, those incarcerated, and those being neglected, abused, maltreated, and abandoned by their supposed loved ones and care-givers; and for the pardon and remission of their sins.
Lord, have mercy. (3x)
Again we pray that Thou wilt kindle in our hearts the will to do good, to visit the sick, counsel the incarcerated, comfort the distraught, strengthen the faint-hearted, care for the elderly and infirm, support and aid those confronted with the possibility of euthanasia, assisted suicide, suicide or abortion; that we may show ourselves to be truly Thy disciples.
Lord, have mercy. (3x)
Again we pray for the repose of the souls of all those who have died unjustly: those neglected, abused, maltreated, and abandoned by their supposed loved ones and care-givers; those innocent ones unjustly executed; the victims of euthanasia, assisted suicide, abortion; and all victims of violence; and for the pardon and remission of their sins.
Lord, have mercy. (3x)
“For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother’s womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 138 / 139:13-14)
O Christ our God, most compassionate and merciful Lover of Man, the Author and Creator of Life, we praise and thank You for Your Sacred Gift of Life. You have fearfully and wonderfully created man in Your image and likeness, and You know each human life conceived in the womb.
We implore You to enlighten those who are darkened by error and the evil one, and lead them to protect and treat all life as sacred inside and outside the womb, with respect, dignity and compassion. Grant forgiveness and healing to all who have participated in the taking of innocent life. Give rest to the souls of those who have innocently perished through violent acts. Grant divine wisdom, guidance and protection to all who strive to protect innocent life.
Through the intercessions of the All Pure Theotokos, who contained You, the Uncontainable, in her womb, and through the prayers of Your holy Apostles, radiant Martyrs, our holy and God-bearing Fathers and all the Saints, have mercy on us. To You be all praise, thanksgiving and glory, together with Your eternal Father and Your all-Holy, good and life-giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O most merciful, all gracious and compassionate Lord Jesus Christ our Savior, Son of God: we entreat Thee, most gracious Master: look with compassion upon Thy children who have been condemned to death by the unjust judgment of men. And as Thou hast promised to bestow the heavenly kingdom on those born of water and the Spirit, and those who, in blamelessness of life, have been translated unto Thee; and Who said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven”—we humbly pray, according to Thy unfailing promise: Grant the inheritance of Thy kingdom to the multitude of spotless infants who have been cruelly murdered in the abortuaries of this land; for Thou art the resurrection and the life and the repose of all Thy servants and of these innocents, O Christ our God.
We beseech Thee, turn the hearts of those who seek to destroy Thy little ones. Pour forth Thy healing grace upon them, that they may be convicted in their hearts and turn from their evil ways. Remember all of them that kill our children as on the altars of Moloch, and render not unto them according to their deeds, but according to Thy great mercy, and convert them: the unbelieving to true faith and piety, and the believing that they may turn from evil and do good.
O Holy Master, Almighty Father and pre-eternal God, Who alone made and directs all things; Who rises up quickly against the evil of the impious ones; Who, by providence, teaches Thy people preservation of justice and the obliteration of evil on earth; Who condescends to raise up warriors for the protection of the people of God: we entreat Thee with compunction, that as Thou didst give David power to defeat Goliath, and as Thou didst condescend through Judas Maccabeus, to seize victory from the arrogant pagans who would not call on Thy Name; so too, grant protection to us, Thy servants against the enemies rising against us as we go forth to do spiritual battle against the evil one and those who do his will rather than Thine.
For Thou art a merciful God, and lovest mankind, and unto Thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
O Lord who watches over children in the present life and in the world to come because of their simplicity and innocence of mind, abundantly satisfying them with a place in Abraham’s bosom, bringing them to live in radiantly shining places where the spirits of the righteous dwell: receive in peace the souls of all infants whose lives have been taken while still within the womb by the cruel act of abortion, for You Yourself have said, “Let the little children come to Me, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, who at the sixth hour didst shed Thy precious blood upon the cross for the salvation of all mankind, receive the souls of all the innocent unborn children who have been, are being, or will be slaughtered today in the hospitals and abortion chambers throughout our nation and across the world.
As their untimely deaths have prevented them from receiving the grace of Holy Baptism, we entreat Thee to accept their innocent blood as baptism as Thou didst with the early martyrs.
To the doctors and nurses, parents and hosts of accomplices responsible for this infanticide, grant tears of repentance and amendment of life. Enable them to run to Thee for forgiveness and healing as have we and to avoid the eternal death of their own souls.
All things are possible with Thee, Lord God Almighty and therefore we entreat Thee on this day through Thy divine grace to bring an end to legalized abortion in our nation, to raise up judges and attorneys who will defend Thy holy laws.
We ask that by Thy mercy Thou wouldst convince mothers to cancel their abortions, to accept from Thy hands the gift of children in faith.
We ask that Thou wouldst persuade the doctors and nurses who are participating in these acts to repent of their actions and to resolve not to kill children in the womb.
Receive our prayer, O Lord God, even though it is offered to Thee from sinful and unworthy servants and unite my entreaty with those of all our other brothers and sisters crying out today on behalf of the little ones, those who are being formed in the wombs of their mothers.
We offer to Thee most sincere thanks and true gratefulness that our mothers bore us, as troubled as we have been. We are grateful to be alive, merciful God, and to know Thee and to be given the kingdom and the promise of everlasting life.
Deliver us, and our land which we love, from the shedding of innocent blood. Forgive us and heal us, save us, and receive our worship which we offer to Thee, to Thine Everlasting Father and Thy all Holy Good and Life Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. Amen.
O Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son, Who art in the bosom of the Father, True God, source of life and immortality, Light of Light, who came into the world to enlighten it, Thou wast pleased to be conceived in the womb of the Virgin Mary for the salvation of our souls, by the power of Thine All-Holy Spirit. O Master, Who came that we might have life more abundantly, we ask that Thou might enlighten the minds and hearts of those blinded to the truth that life begins at conception, and that the unborn in the womb are already adorned with Thine image and likeness; enable us to guard, cherish and protect the lives of all those who are unable to care for themselves. For Thou art the Bestower of Life, bringing each person from non-being into being, sealing each person with divine and infinite love. Be merciful, O Lord, to those who, through ignorance or willfulness, affront Thy divine goodness and providence through the evil act of abortion. May they, and all of us, come to the light of Thy Truth and glorify Thee, the Giver of Life, together with Thy Father and Thine All-Holy and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
O most merciful, all gracious and compassionate Lord Jesus Christ our Savior, Son of God: we entreat Thee, most gracious Master: look with compassion upon Thy children who have been condemned to death by the unjust judgment of men. And as Thou hast promised to bestow the heavenly kingdom on those born of water and the Spirit, and those who, in blamelessness of life, have been translated unto Thee; and Who said, “Suffer the little children to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven”—we humbly pray, according to Thy unfailing promise: Grant the inheritance of Thy kingdom to the multitude of spotless infants who have been cruelly murdered in the abortuaries of this land; for Thou art the resurrection and the life and the repose of all Thy servants and of these innocents, O Christ our God.
We beseech Thee, turn the hearts of those who seek to destroy Thy little ones. Pour forth Thy healing grace upon them, that they may be convicted in their hearts and turn from their evil ways. Remember all of them that kill our children as on the altars of Moloch, and render not unto them according to their deeds, but according to Thy great mercy, and convert them: the unbelieving to true faith and piety, and the believing that they may turn from evil and do good.
O Holy Master, Almighty Father and pre-eternal God, Who alone made and directs all things; Who rises up quickly against the evil of the impious ones; Who, by providence, teaches Thy people preservation of justice and the obliteration of evil on earth; Who condescends to raise up warriors for the protection of the people of God: we entreat Thee with compunction, that as Thou didst give David power to defeat Goliath, and as Thou didst condescend through Judas Maccabeus, to seize victory from the arrogant pagans who would not call on Thy Name; so too, grant protection to us, Thy servants against the enemies rising against us as we go forth to do spiritual battle against the evil one and those who do his will rather than Thine.
For Thou art a merciful God, and lovest mankind, and unto Thee do we ascribe glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.
The prayers were variously authored and compiled from diverse sources by Subdeacon David Mathews, Khouria Frederica’s son, on the occasion of a “Dormition Fast Prayer Vigil to End Abortion” that he organized.

About the Author

- Frederica Mathewes-Green is a wide-ranging author, whose work has appeared in such diverse publications as the Washington Post, Christianity Today, Smithsonian, the Los Angeles Times, First Things, Books & Culture, Sojourners, Touchstone, and the Wall Street Journal.
- December 30, 2019ArticlesMother and Child
- July 30, 2019ArticlesFrederica: Annual Dormition Fast Prayer Vigil to End Abortion
- July 30, 2019UncategorizedAnnual Dormition Fast Prayer Vigil to End Abortion [PRINT COPY]
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